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その5 ダウントン・アビーの魅力







※1:Downton Abbey, Carnival Film & Television Limited 2010-2015

Part5 “Downton Abbey’s charm”

Recently, I watched through all the TV series of “Downton Abbey” which were broadcasted in England from 2010 to 2015※1. This series become very popular, partly because it was reported that Princess Catharine of England and movie stars in the U.S. also enjoyed the drama. The story was about Count Grantham, his family and their mansion, and it took place from 1912 to 1925 in Downton Village which was located in the suburbs of London. It was when there were the sinking of Titanic, the World War I, Spanish Flu and the civil rights movements. It was also the era when the aristocracy gradually declined and the working class gained power.

In the beginning, we are overwhelmed and enchanted by the breath-holding gorgeous setting of the mansion that looks like a castle. There are about 20 servants or more for only 5 people of the family, and they not only cook, clean, do yard work, drive, but also help changing clothes and setting hairstyle for the family members. When someone of the family needs something, he or she rings a bell and a maid immediately comes to the room to make a tea or take personal care. If I ring a bell in my house, even my pet dongs won’t show any reaction. If I want to make believe that I am one of the players of Downton Abbey, I think it may be when I clean my house as a housemaid. Usually I’m not enthusiastic about cleaning my house. If I make believe that I am a housemaid at Downton Abbey, I will be able to enjoy cleaning with a duster.

Downton Abbey is very interesting as a human drama, too. There are two stories taking place. One on the upper floor where the family members are involved, and the other on the downstairs where the servants play their roles. And these two stories interact from time to time. The personality of main characters in this drama is described so distinctively that we can expect what they do next. They are also fairly honest and speak out or at least imply what they think, so we know their opinions. If someone don’t understand what a person says, he or she immediately asks “why is that?” or “what do you mean?” and demands specific answers. Additionally, when they make a cynical remark or contradict someone, they do so with a humor, softening the tension between them. These are what I like with European and American dramas and movies-characters are relatively honest and most of them have a sense of humor.

By the way, I am most sympathetic with Lady Mrs. Grantham, because of similar age and situation in the family. I very well understand her feelings as a mother of young unmarried girls. She loves her daughters and sometimes worries for them. She often gives them advice to get a good husband, but sometimes daughters accuse her that she tries to control them. Gradually, she becomes to admit the independence of her daughters, support and understand them.

What makes this drama series so distinct is Grandmother, Violet. She is the mother of Count Grantham and has the mentality of old good age for aristocrats. However, she is not very stubborn in deciding things, but making practical choices according to the situation. Because of her seniority, she is respected by others most of the time. However, her grandchildren sometimes think light of her, claiming that what she thinks is outdated. She also have some quarrels with other members of the family. She expresses her opinion with her head up, giving some parting shots. Such attitude of hers gives us charming impression. Violet is played by Maggie Smith, who was awarded with Best Supporting Actress of Academy Award and Emmy Award.

Lastly, I want to mention that the costumes of ladies are often so magnificent that we are very much fascinated. For ladies, dinner is the biggest event of a day and they are dressed formally, with their hair set and accessories on. They look even more elegant in their hats that are decorated gorgeously with flowers and ribbons. The brim of them crosses obliquely on the head, showing the face very glorious. The design is too flashy if we wear one of these hats even at a wedding, but it symbolizes the good old era of the upper class.

※1:Downton Abbey, Carnival Film & Television Limited 2010-2015

(2019/11/12 12:08:30)


