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その1 ミケランジェロと理想の身体






Part1 “Michelangelo and the Ideal Body”

I went to see “Michelangelo and the ideal body” at the National Museum of Western Art. They exhibited two famous sculptures made by Michelangelo-”David/Apollo” and “Young Saint John the Baptist”-and dozens of sculptures and paints by various artists in ancient Greek and Rome.

I was very much impressed by the beauty of the men’s body. The sculptures showed perfectly balanced bodies, beautifully built muscles and somewhat seductive poses. The characteristic pose with most of the weight on one leg while the other leg lightly touching on the ground is known as “contrapposto.” Some other poses, such as twisting the torso a little and raising an arm with bending at the elbow, are also alluring. Many people may feel the same way, because they describe on the homepage of the exhibition, “sensual beauty that Michelangelo has reached after sublimating the ancient art.”

Not only the sculptures made by Michelangelo, but also “Laocoon” by another sculptor Vincenzo de’ Rossi, gave the impression of sensual beauty of three men, as they twisted their bodies to escape from a serpentine. I wonder whether I was too much affected by the Michelangelo’s way of expression. On my way back, I took a good look at other sculptures in the front yard of the museum. There were famous pieces, such as “thinker” by Rodin and “Hercules the Archer” by Bourdelle. Though they showed also the beauty of naked male body, they gave me little sensual impression.

After I came home, I did a research on Internet for further information of Michelangelo and his art. And I learned that not only him, but also Leonard de Vince were said to be gay. I thought that explained why Michelangelo showed perfect beauty of men’s body. In the U.S. it is fairly well known that many of excellent artists and people with high intelligence-such as medical doctors and lawyers-are gays. When we lived in New York, they invited a gay person to give a speech at my daughters’ high school. My daughter said after she came home, “Mom, a gay or a straight is innate, like a right-handed or a left-handed.” I thought, “Oh, really! Then, they may discover later with some incidence that they are gays in nature.”

It is a pity that gays or lesbians are still thought as exceptions, and that they are not accepted as ordinary people in Japan. However, not all people accept homosexuals in the U.S., either. After living in New York, We moved to Houston, Texas, where people are known as very conservative and homosexuals are hated, and our daughters were shocked by the cultural differences between the two places.

(2019/05/06 15:13:18)


