
やっぱり健康がいちばん!Good Health Comes First!follow us in feedly

その33 傷の治りとランゲルハンス細胞
その32 味覚障害と嗅覚障害
その31 ロコモティブシンドロームとその予防・対策
その30 私が決める私自身の介護
その29 清水選手『奇跡のレッスン』を見て
その28 健康寿命とシニアの体力テスト
その27 腰痛対策:骨盤を立てて座る
その26 セカンドライフの過ごし方
その25 誰にでも老化は来る
その24 スポーツ時の暑さ対策
その23 マインドフルネス
その22 コロナワクチン接種開始
その21 ネット依存、スマホ依存
その20 体年齢測定のしくみ
その19 目の健康をチェック!
その18 温泉は健康に良い?悪い?
その17 お肌ケア
その16 肩こりのツボマッサージ
その15 西洋医学がだめなら東洋医学はどうですか?
その14 下半身の筋力強化:バレトンがおすすめ
その13 シニアのスポーツ:私の5カ条
その12 インターネットでワークアウト
その11 夢のお告げ または 記憶のフィルタリング
その10 患者へのアドバイスの伝え方
その9 人間の宿命、腰痛とその対策
その8 ニュースとデマと現実と:新型コロナウイルス感染によせて
その7 寝る前ヨガ
その6 新・ウォーキングの常識
その5 ゴルフ肘、テニス肘
その4 良い姿勢の効能
その3 簡単で効果的なダイエット
その2 フットケア、私の場合
その1 体調を崩したあと、改めて健康に感謝!

その5 ゴルフ肘、テニス肘






※1:上腕骨外側上顆炎の診療ガイドライン、島村ら 岡山医学会雑誌 123:141-144, 2011.

Part5 “Golf Elbow, Tennis Elbow”

I wrote that I started taking golf lessons in the last essay. This time, I confess I already got a problem in my elbows. After taking lessons for three months, I got elbow pain and quit the golf school. I suppose that repeated blows using my golf clubs with my both arms straight caused the pain in my elbows. At first, I felt light pain in the outside of my elbows, but it disappeared in one or two days. However, the pain became staying longer and I felt pain not only when I played golf, but also when I held heavy stuff like frying pans or wrung towels.

I searched on Internet and found that what I suffer is called “lateral epicondylitis” or so-called “tennis elbow.” The recent spread of Internet has made it very convenient to get information on anything. However, there are too much information-some pieces are right and some are not, so you have to choose useful ones. Because I am a physician, I am confident that I can choose right pieces of medical information. First, you should get basic information of the disease on reliable sites, such as medical associations’ or big, famous hospitals’ sites. Second, you should compare information from different sources and regard it as reliable, if the information is common among multiple sites. Third, if you find medical papers, it is very useful to get additional information about the disease, such as the history of treatment modalities and the specific rates of onset and cure.

I found out that lateral epicondylitis is associated not only with tennis, but also with other sports or house choirs.※1 And this disorder is seen more in middle aged or older people than young people, as is the case with me. When the muscle group that stretches the back of fingers and hands receives a strong power, an inflammation may occur in the lateral epicondyle which is located in the outside of elbow. For diagnosis, there are three tests that are easy to carry out, so I tried them and found they are all positive, confirming the diagnosis. The treatment includes keeping elbows at rest, using anti-inflammatory ointments or tablets, doing physical therapy, putting on a therapeutic band and a surgical procedure.

As is often the case with a physician, I tend to diagnose and treat my medical condition myself. Because the pain was not so strong, I decided to treat the elbow myself first and go to the doctor if it gets worse. I kept the elbow at rest as much as I could, applied an anti-inflammatory ointment, and bought two elbow supporters at a drugstore and put them on. As long as I didn’t move my elbows, there was no pain. However it was very, very difficult to keep my arms and fingers perfectly at rest. I discovered that moving arms and fingers are inevitable in everyday life. For example, I have to move them to use a mouse or type on the keyboard when I work on my PC. I have to move them to change clothes or eat meals. Therefore, I tried to minimize the stretching movement of my arms and fingers. I tried to use my mouse and keyboard just in front of me, avoiding stretching my arm. Instead of picking up things with my fingers, I held them up with my palms. The supporters gave my arms adequate pressure and enabled me to use them more slowly. It also softened the impact when my elbows hit something. Thus, I could not live without my supporters for some time.

Physical therapy, one of the treatment options, means to stretch the associated muscles of lateral epicondylitis. I did not expect this method, because I believed that a rest is the best treatment until the inflammation completely disappears. I read that the disease tends to develop when the flexibility and power of the forearm muscles decreases with age and subsequently the elbow receives physical impacts more directly. They say that stretching and training of these muscles can be a treatment and prevention of elbow inflammation. Now, I stretch my arms and fingers from time to time, and I can still enjoy playing golf without worsening my elbows.

※1:The Japanese guideline for management of lateral epicondylitis, Shimamura et.al. J.Okayama Med Assoc. 123:141-144, 2011.

(2019/11/12 11:57:07)


