
やっぱり健康がいちばん!Good Health Comes First!follow us in feedly

その33 傷の治りとランゲルハンス細胞
その32 味覚障害と嗅覚障害
その31 ロコモティブシンドロームとその予防・対策
その30 私が決める私自身の介護
その29 清水選手『奇跡のレッスン』を見て
その28 健康寿命とシニアの体力テスト
その27 腰痛対策:骨盤を立てて座る
その26 セカンドライフの過ごし方
その25 誰にでも老化は来る
その24 スポーツ時の暑さ対策
その23 マインドフルネス
その22 コロナワクチン接種開始
その21 ネット依存、スマホ依存
その20 体年齢測定のしくみ
その19 目の健康をチェック!
その18 温泉は健康に良い?悪い?
その17 お肌ケア
その16 肩こりのツボマッサージ
その15 西洋医学がだめなら東洋医学はどうですか?
その14 下半身の筋力強化:バレトンがおすすめ
その13 シニアのスポーツ:私の5カ条
その12 インターネットでワークアウト
その11 夢のお告げ または 記憶のフィルタリング
その10 患者へのアドバイスの伝え方
その9 人間の宿命、腰痛とその対策
その8 ニュースとデマと現実と:新型コロナウイルス感染によせて
その7 寝る前ヨガ
その6 新・ウォーキングの常識
その5 ゴルフ肘、テニス肘
その4 良い姿勢の効能
その3 簡単で効果的なダイエット
その2 フットケア、私の場合
その1 体調を崩したあと、改めて健康に感謝!

その3 簡単で効果的なダイエット






※1:S Imai et.al., Effect of eating vegetables before carbohydrates on glucose excursions in patients with type 2 diabetes, J.Clin.Biochem.Nutr. 2014;54(1):7-11
※2:H Kuwata et.al., Meal sequence and glucose excursion, gastric emptying and incretin secretion in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled crossover, exploratory trial, Diabetologia 2016;59:453-461

Part3 “A Simple and Effective Diet”

For several years, I have been on a very simple diet, which is effective to lose weight significantly and naturally. I lost 5 kg or 11 pounds in 6 months or so without any discomfort. The method is to eat carbohydrate last in your meals. It is very simple, isn’t it? This diet is known to be effective not only in losing weight, but also in preventing diabetes mellitus (DM) or in improving DM control.

Previously, main diet strategies to lose weight for healthy people or to treat DM patients used to restrict overall calories or the amount of carbohydrates to take. However, it is hard to continue these kinds of diet-there may be rebound or craving for forbidden carbohydrates. When I heard about this carbo-last diet, I jumped at it. Though I was not sure if it works or not, the diet looked so easy to start.

When I have a meal, I first eat vegetables, then protein such as meat or fish. I eat carbohydrate, usually cooked rice, at the end. It is shown in several studies that the increase in blood glucose after a meal is observed to become slower and to a lesser extent in carbo-last diet compared with that in carbo-first diet. As a result, carbo-last diet is useful in preventing and treating DM※1. From a medical viewpoint, smaller changes in blood glucose level also have a protective effect on blood vessels, thus lowering the risk of cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disorders in the future.

Why does the carbo-last diet result in slower and smaller blood glucose increase? Scientists have shown that gastric emptying time is longer in this diet. Carbohydrates cannot be absorbed as they are. They are broken into smaller molecules by digestive enzymes and absorbed into blood stream not in the stomach, but in the small intestine. Therefore, longer gastric emptying time means delayed absorption of carbohydrate. It is also shown that substances that are called incretins increase more after meals in the carbo-last diet※2. Incretins are hormones which have been recently found and identified. They inhibit gastric emptying and induce insulin secretion from the pancreas after food intake.

※1:S Imai et.al., Effect of eating vegetables before carbohydrates on glucose excursions in patients with type 2 diabetes, J.Clin.Biochem.Nutr. 2014;54(1):7-11
※2:H Kuwata et.al., Meal sequence and glucose excursion, gastric emptying and incretin secretion in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled crossover, exploratory trial, Diabetologia 2016;59:453-461

(2019/05/06 16:13:22)


