
やっぱり健康がいちばん!Good Health Comes First!follow us in feedly

その33 傷の治りとランゲルハンス細胞
その32 味覚障害と嗅覚障害
その31 ロコモティブシンドロームとその予防・対策
その30 私が決める私自身の介護
その29 清水選手『奇跡のレッスン』を見て
その28 健康寿命とシニアの体力テスト
その27 腰痛対策:骨盤を立てて座る
その26 セカンドライフの過ごし方
その25 誰にでも老化は来る
その24 スポーツ時の暑さ対策
その23 マインドフルネス
その22 コロナワクチン接種開始
その21 ネット依存、スマホ依存
その20 体年齢測定のしくみ
その19 目の健康をチェック!
その18 温泉は健康に良い?悪い?
その17 お肌ケア
その16 肩こりのツボマッサージ
その15 西洋医学がだめなら東洋医学はどうですか?
その14 下半身の筋力強化:バレトンがおすすめ
その13 シニアのスポーツ:私の5カ条
その12 インターネットでワークアウト
その11 夢のお告げ または 記憶のフィルタリング
その10 患者へのアドバイスの伝え方
その9 人間の宿命、腰痛とその対策
その8 ニュースとデマと現実と:新型コロナウイルス感染によせて
その7 寝る前ヨガ
その6 新・ウォーキングの常識
その5 ゴルフ肘、テニス肘
その4 良い姿勢の効能
その3 簡単で効果的なダイエット
その2 フットケア、私の場合
その1 体調を崩したあと、改めて健康に感謝!

その2 フットケア、私の場合



次に、私はもっとフットケア一般について自分で習ってみよう、と思い立ちました。フットケアには二つのタイプがあります。ひとつは医療的なフットケア、もう一つは美容的なフットケアです。日本では「足の医者」というものに馴染みがありませんが、西洋医学では、「podiatrist」と呼ばれる専門医がいます。Podiatrist とは、足、かかと、そして下肢の病気や異常を扱う医師です。まず、医療側から見たフットケアを学ぼうと、私はドイツ式のFoot and Shoe Instituteで医師向けの1日コースを受けました。このコースでは、足の爪の検査のしかたや、ワイヤーを使った巻き爪の矯正のしかたを習いました。美容的なフットケアについては、東京にある専門店に行って、私の足の施術を受けてみました。美容用途のフットケアセンターは沢山あって選ぶのに迷いましたが、このセンターはある製薬会社が職員の健康のために開いたものを一般に開放したものだったので、多分良心的だろうと判断しました。私はここで電気やすりを用いた、30分ほどのケラチン除去を受けました。たった1回の施術で、私の足の裏は固い部分が取れ、滑らかですべすべになりました。その効果は著しく、施術後は歩くのに全く痛みを感じなくなりました。しかし、数週間のうちにまた足の裏はもとのようにでこぼこになってくるので、時々通わなければなりません。


Part2 “Foot Care, My Case”

Recent studies show that fast walking is associated with successful survival, which means living long without major health problems. Certainly, elderly people who receive nursing care often have difficulty in walking by themselves. Some have diseases in the brain, heart or lungs, others have muscle weakness in the lower limbs. In addition, some of them have foot problems, such as bunion, ingrown toenail, athlete’s foot or swelling. Although foot problems do not seem as serious as those of the brain or heart, it would be very difficult to deal with them if the problems progress for a long time and to a terminal stage. Therefore, we should take good care of our feet when we are younger, when we begin to have a problem, or at least before the problem becomes serious.

In my case, I myself have been having a problem in my feet for a long time. My feet get tired very easily and often hurt after walking. I tried various things to determine what is wrong with my feet and what is the best way to take care of them. First, I went to a shoe store where they offer customized shoe fitting. They examined the 3-D image of my feet and determined that there was no problem about the shape of my feet. Next, I went to see a dermatologist, because from time to time I got corns on my soles. The dermatologist said that the skin of my soles is very thin and that some thick areas give me pain when walking. The doctor also added that it may be due to the process of aging. These findings were relieving, because they assured me that I did not have major problems with my feet. However, my foot problem remained unsolved.

Then, I decided to learn more about foot care in general by myself. There are two types of foot care-one is medical foot care, the other is esthetic foot care. Though we are not familiar with “foot doctor” in Japan, there are medical doctors who are called “podiatrists” in the Western Medicine. Podiatrists take care of diseases or disorders of the foot, ankle and lower extremity. To learn about foot problems from the medical side, I took a one-day course for physicians at the German-style Foot and Shoe Institute. I learned how to examine toenails and how to correct ingrowth toenails using special wires. To learn about foot care from the esthetic side, I went to get my foot care done by a specialist at a foot care center in Tokyo. I chose one center from many choices, because this one is run by a pharmaceutical company for the wellness of their employees, not for sheer profit. I had a 30-minute keratin removal course using electric devices. One therapy made the surface of my soles smooth and even, without thick keratin areas. The effect was amazing and I became feeling no pain in walking afterward. However, the effects lasted only for several weeks at most, and now I go to take the course from time to time.

Furthermore, I decided to take a second look at my daily routines of caring my feet and change my habit, if necessary. First, I changed my sock type and started using five-toe socks. In a conventional sock, toes are always squeezed inside. In contrast, a five-toe sock allows toes to set in separately, so that they receive less physical pressure sideways. And I can move my toes more freely, which enable me to use my toes more in walking. Next, I quitted wearing pumps and started using tennis shoes or shoes that have thick and soft insoles most of the time. These types of insoles soften the impact of every step, allowing me to walk more comfortably. When I look around on the train, for example, I notice many people, both young and old, are also wearing tennis shoes. I remember seeing ad photos in magazines matching tennis shoes to business suits. Wearing tennis shoes look like a trend now. I hope more people become aware of taking good care of their feet.

(2019/05/06 15:06:13)


