
やっぱり健康がいちばん!Good Health Comes First!follow us in feedly

その33 傷の治りとランゲルハンス細胞
その32 味覚障害と嗅覚障害
その31 ロコモティブシンドロームとその予防・対策
その30 私が決める私自身の介護
その29 清水選手『奇跡のレッスン』を見て
その28 健康寿命とシニアの体力テスト
その27 腰痛対策:骨盤を立てて座る
その26 セカンドライフの過ごし方
その25 誰にでも老化は来る
その24 スポーツ時の暑さ対策
その23 マインドフルネス
その22 コロナワクチン接種開始
その21 ネット依存、スマホ依存
その20 体年齢測定のしくみ
その19 目の健康をチェック!
その18 温泉は健康に良い?悪い?
その17 お肌ケア
その16 肩こりのツボマッサージ
その15 西洋医学がだめなら東洋医学はどうですか?
その14 下半身の筋力強化:バレトンがおすすめ
その13 シニアのスポーツ:私の5カ条
その12 インターネットでワークアウト
その11 夢のお告げ または 記憶のフィルタリング
その10 患者へのアドバイスの伝え方
その9 人間の宿命、腰痛とその対策
その8 ニュースとデマと現実と:新型コロナウイルス感染によせて
その7 寝る前ヨガ
その6 新・ウォーキングの常識
その5 ゴルフ肘、テニス肘
その4 良い姿勢の効能
その3 簡単で効果的なダイエット
その2 フットケア、私の場合
その1 体調を崩したあと、改めて健康に感謝!

その1 体調を崩したあと、改めて健康に感謝!






Part1 “Appreciation for Good Health”

"Good health" is like the air-We do not pay much attention to it in our daily life, but we realize its importance once we lose it. In this section, I will write about what I think we should take care in our 50s and early 60s, in order to spend our senior life in good health and with comfort. I may also refer to some examples of myself and other people.

During Obon week this year, I had the worst health conditions in the past ten years or so, and I was bound to bed for two days. I had severe general fatigue, nausea and high fever, which made me sleep twenty hours a day with my pet dogs. I thought I’ve got infectious gastroenteritis which is common in summer, and I took some medicine according to my diagnosis and symptoms. It took three days until the fever was gone, but I continued to have neither appetite nor taste of food. While I was getting better, I bought a package of Nigiri at a supermarket, and I could not forget the impact of the taste. The Nigiri was the first food I could taste after I got sick, and it tasted better than any food. It took more than two weeks to recover completely, and I realized the significance of good health.

Generally speaking, people may think "Physicians are unlikely to get sick" or "When physicians get ill, they can have the best treatment at the best hospital." However, these assumptions are not true. Because physicians are very busy treating sick people, with much responsibility of making life-and-death decisions, their health conditions are often compromised. Physicians cannot easily cancel their job of seeing patients or performing surgeries, so they usually complete their job at any cost, even if they are sick. Furthermore, patients with strong pathogens come to a hospital every day. The combination of stressful workplace and strong pathogens makes their working environment a threat to health. On top of that, physicians tend to think light of the disease of themselves. They often continue doing their job with self-medication, sometimes resulting in the disease becoming more serious. That is what we say "A physician often neglects his own health."

Of course there are benefits of being a physician or working at a hospital. Workers at a hospital have easier access to exams or doctors with various specialties. If they suddenly get seriously ill at a hospital, they will be treated immediately because there are many physicians around. Recently, I heard a story about a physician who had a heart attack at a hospital where he worked for. Though he had a chest pain from the morning, he finished a surgery which he was assigned as a chief surgeon, and he fainted. He was sent to the ICU at once, examined, diagnosed, and he had an emergency by-pass surgery, and fortunately, his life was saved.

On the contrary, there is a sad story. I heard that a physician, who was on night duty alone in a hospital, had an anaphylaxic shock caused by a shrimp he had had at supper. He got difficulty in breathing in a room assigned for a physician on night duty, but he could not call or get help, because he was the only physician in the hospital on that night. He was found dead by a nurse on the following morning. I don’t know the details, such as who the physician was or where the hospital in question was. It might be an imaginary story, like "It’s horrible, if something like this happen."

(2019/05/06 15:02:21)


