
時をかけるおばあさんたちTime Travelling Old Ladiesfollow us in feedly

その33 8020運動とオーラルフレイル
その32 振り込め詐欺と認知症
その31 高齢者の転倒・骨折
その30 高齢者の頻尿
その29 未来の介護
その28 認知症、最近の動向
その27 高齢者の難聴:補聴器と人工内耳
その26 地域の認知症高齢者
その25 高齢者の下腿浮腫
その24 便秘対策:腸活で予防し、下剤で治療する
その23 認知症による行方不明
その22 訪問診療患者語録
その21 高齢者の不眠とメラトニン
その20 認知症のミニ知識④ アルツハイマー型認知症 治療およびケア
その19 認知症のミニ知識③ アルツハイマー型認知症 研究の歴史
その18 認知症のミニ知識② アルツハイマー型認知症の病期分類 FAST(Functional Assessment Staging)
その17 認知症のミニ知識① 長谷川式認知症スケール
その16 母親と息子の絆
その15 バーチャル認知症外来
その14 高齢者の熱中症リスク
その13 高齢者世帯の認知症介護
その12 認知症を予防するには
その11 廃用症候群と四肢の拘縮
その10 記憶のしくみ:アメフラシから人間まで
その9 メンタル症状と認知症
その8 デイサービスに行く?行かない?
その7 認知症のご近所トラブル
その6 「認知症のリアル」のエッセンス
その5 お盆の看取り
その4 高齢者の幼児返り
その3 独居で介護サービスを受け入れた暮らし
その2 独居老人が認知症になった時
その1 時をかけるおばあさんたち

その4 高齢者の幼児返り







※1:ベンジャミンバトン・数奇な人生(邦題)The Curious Case of Benjamin Button © 2008 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and Paramount Pictures Corporation.

Part4 “Infantile Regression of the Elderly”

I have a 3-year-old granddaughter. As I watch her growing day by day, I often struck by the similarity between infants and elderly patients I see at their homes and nursing facilities. Generally, they call this resemblance “infantile regression of the elderly.”

First, the state of mind looks similar: both elderly patients and infants tend to be self-centered and depending on others. Both live in smaller social environment compared with middle-aged adults, which makes them narrow-minded. But, there is a difference-infants are on their way of development, while the mental function of old people are degrading. And many elderly patients I see need nursery care in everyday life. Naturally, they have to depend on others, as well as infants do.

Second, their behavior patterns look similar: both say the same things again and again, and ask the same questions repeatedly. Old people might have difficulties in hearing or memory loss, so the situation may not be exactly the same as infants. But, I see the similarity in their insisting on one thing by making sure many times. Additionally, they both “cannot wait” for things. Even when I visit my patients on time, some of them say “you are late,” or “I have been waiting.” Then, I discovered that they had started waiting for me when they got up in the morning.

Elderly people and infants both tend to compete for their turns. Infants compete for their turns to use slides or toys, while elderly people compete for their turns to take bath or to see a doctor. Sometimes a dispute take place among elderly people saying, “I’m first.” or “Someone’s cut in.” In order to avoid such quarrels, a nurse at a nursing home started to give patients number tickets for seeing a doctor. Then, everyone wanted number one. One day, she gave number one cards to them all, because she wanted to please them. As you can expect, she caused a bigger problem.

Another thing which comes to my mind is that elderly patients speak their mind to others like infants do. Then, I ask more for their stories out of curiosity. I asked “How are you today?” and a patient answered “I feel good physically, but not mentally・・・” Then, I ask further, “What annoys you?” He or she answers without hesitation, “Someone speaks ill of me,” or “Someone took things from my room.” Once an elderly man at a nursing home said, “40,000 yen has been stolen from my room. That was an allowance for my grandchild.” Because his intelligence level was supposed to be normal, I listened to him wondering if it was true or not. He continued, “My sweater has been stolen, too.” Because it was hard to believe someone took his used sweater, I felt it was more likely a paranoia, which is typical with Alzheimer dementia.

Though infants are immature in thinking and behaving, they will grow up to get along well with others and the society in the future. On the other hand, elderly people are on their way to degradation, and they will need more nursing care in the future. Now, I just remembered a movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button※1.” The main character, Benjamin, was born with the appearance of an old man and getting younger as he aged. He grew up in a nursing home, wedded with his girlfriend when he was an adult, and died as a baby in the end. We usually do not realize we change much once we are grown-up, but actually we are changing throughout our life.

※1:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button © 2008 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and Paramount Pictures Corporation.

(2019/08/14 05:07:34)


