時をかけるおばあさんたちTime Travelling Old Ladies
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その2 独居老人が認知症になった時
※1:「認知症、高齢者4人に1人「予備軍」400万人含め」日本経済新聞 2018年10月1日
Part2 “When Seniors Who Live Alone Develop Dementia”
Recently, I read a newspaper article titled “Dementia, One out of Four Seniors.” It stated that one out of four elderly people or 25 percent of them are supposed to have dementia or MCI (minimal cognitive impairment)※1. They concluded that more people and more money are needed to support these elderly people. Even if senior people develop dementia, it would relatively be a small problem as long as they are taken good care of by their family or in a nursing facility. Most problematic would be when a senior person, who lives alone or only with a senior spouse, develops dementia.
For more than two years, I have been participating in “Early-stage Comprehensive Support Team for People with Dementia,” which is led by the North-Sizu Comprehensive Support Center and the municipal government of Sakura city. This project is aimed to help senior people in the community start receiving medical and nursing care, when they show symptoms of dementia. People who need our support most are often seniors who live alone or with only senior partners.
We start our support project when people report us that their neighbors might develop dementia. More specifically, “My senior neighbor tells me the same thing again and again, but I don’t understand what she is saying,” “A senior customer would not pay the fee for my service,” or “My next-door neighbor stays in the house all day long and would not come out at all.” Other complaints are about a senior who gets lost in her neighborhood, or a house full of trash. After the first report is registered, we visit seniors in question and collect information as much as we can. We ask them face to face about how they are living every day. At the same time, we observe their appearance and their environment, and guess whether they eat regularly, they keep themselves and their house clean enough to have a healthy life. Then, our support group has a meeting and discuss about how to support them.
If seniors have a family of younger generation who live nearby, we contact the family and ask them to make arrangements for medical and nursing care service. However, if their family lives far and does not realize the problem or thinks light of it, it is difficult to take appropriate measures. Sometimes, senior people do not realize they have dementia, and it is hard to make them receive medical and nursing care service. They try to avoid going to see a physician by saying “I have no disease,” or “I hate to go to a hospital.” I, as a physician, cannot see patients if they don’t agree, so we try to persuade them.
Once we are successful to persuade seniors to come to see me at my clinic, I take their medical history, perform medical tests including physical exams, blood test and HDS-R (Hasegawa dementia scale-revised) or dementia test. Depending on the results, we either consider about medical treatments, apply for nursing service certificate or assess what service is necessary. Recently, we successfully helped a senior woman in her 90s start a day-service at a local nursing facility. She used to stay inside her house all day long, but listened to my advice and agreed to receive nursing care service. Once she joined day-service activities, she became looking light-hearted and claiming her poor health conditions less often.
As senior people who live alone will increase in number, we will have more incidents in which people with dementia are involved and we should take care in the local community. In such an event, family or neighbors would better consult with the local municipal office or the comprehensive service center, and they should discuss together with paying respect to the opinion of senior people.
※1:“Dementia, one out of four seniors, including four million MCIs” Nihon Keizai Sinbun, Oct 1, 2018
(2019/05/06 14:55:15)