
時をかけるおばあさんたちTime Travelling Old Ladiesfollow us in feedly

その33 8020運動とオーラルフレイル
その32 振り込め詐欺と認知症
その31 高齢者の転倒・骨折
その30 高齢者の頻尿
その29 未来の介護
その28 認知症、最近の動向
その27 高齢者の難聴:補聴器と人工内耳
その26 地域の認知症高齢者
その25 高齢者の下腿浮腫
その24 便秘対策:腸活で予防し、下剤で治療する
その23 認知症による行方不明
その22 訪問診療患者語録
その21 高齢者の不眠とメラトニン
その20 認知症のミニ知識④ アルツハイマー型認知症 治療およびケア
その19 認知症のミニ知識③ アルツハイマー型認知症 研究の歴史
その18 認知症のミニ知識② アルツハイマー型認知症の病期分類 FAST(Functional Assessment Staging)
その17 認知症のミニ知識① 長谷川式認知症スケール
その16 母親と息子の絆
その15 バーチャル認知症外来
その14 高齢者の熱中症リスク
その13 高齢者世帯の認知症介護
その12 認知症を予防するには
その11 廃用症候群と四肢の拘縮
その10 記憶のしくみ:アメフラシから人間まで
その9 メンタル症状と認知症
その8 デイサービスに行く?行かない?
その7 認知症のご近所トラブル
その6 「認知症のリアル」のエッセンス
その5 お盆の看取り
その4 高齢者の幼児返り
その3 独居で介護サービスを受け入れた暮らし
その2 独居老人が認知症になった時
その1 時をかけるおばあさんたち

その1 時をかけるおばあさんたち










※1:「認知症 専門医が語る診断・治療・ケア」池田学著、中公新書、2010年。

Part1 “Time travelling old ladies”

One of the key characteristics of dementia, especially with Alzheimer’s disease, is a drastic memory loss. Although we may experience some forgetfulness in our middle age or at a later period, patients with Alzheimer’s show “severe memory loss” when the disease progresses. It is often said that not remembering what you have had for a meal is a simple amnesia, but not remembering the fact that you have had a meal is a symptom of dementia.

We visit our patients twice a month for our Houmon Sinryou service. Some of our patients do not remember me and say, “Nice to meet you” every time I meet them, even after seeing them for years. When I call another patient by the name during my visit, she asks me, “Why do you know my name?” Although they can hardly remember new faces like myself, they tend to have very sharp memories of their old days and talk about them vividly.

Group homes are built specifically to care people with dementia. The main purpose of this type of nursing care facility is to keep the ADL (activities of daily living) of people with light dementia as much as possible, by letting them live in family-like environments and handle easy tasks, such as household chores. There is an old woman at one group home who was born and raised in the countryside in Tohoku. She always tells me, “I used to go to school by ski, ” every time I see her. She is proud of her good health and often says, “I’ve never gotten sick. I haven’t even had a cold. At least once I want to get sick and be tended by someone.” One day she really caught a cold, coughing frequently. But she had no acknowledgement that she was indeed ill, and walked around the facility saying that she has never gotten sick, resulting in transmitting the virus to other residents.

We also have patients who remember their old jobs as if they are doing them now. An old woman who used to be a farmer for a long time told me, “I went to see my farm this morning.” I then asked her, “What did you see there?” Her response was “I saw a raccoon.” Another woman used to teach flower arrangement and, during a medical consultation with me, she said, “I have my students waiting over there, ” with her legs crossed elegantly. They look like as if they are re-living in the best time of their lives.

In Alzheimer’s disease, a specific area of the brain called hippocampus is degenerated and thereby its normal functions, such as “forming new memories” and “storing recent memories, ” become defective. Because old memories are stored in other areas of the brain, they remain relatively intact. Or, rather, patients with Alzheimer’s bring back old memories to their consciousness and re-experience them again and again in their mind, resulting in forming very rigid and lively memories of old times. I always wonder if they are like re-living in the world of their old memories. It looks like old ladies’ version of “Time Travelling Girl” which was on TV and movie a long time ago. So, I may call them “Time Travelling Old Ladies.”

How about old gentlemen? The vast majority of elderly people who willingly tell their stories are women. Old men tend to speak minimally or just nod when I speak to them. That makes it harder for me to get an idea of their inner world of their memories. However, some old men do like to talk about their stories. There is a gentleman who used to be an owner of a trading company, travelling to many countries and speaking five languages. He is very talkative. Once he starts talking, it is very difficult to stop him. He used to tell me that he has been to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and so on, but with his dementia getting worse, he cannot give the names of the countries he had visited any more. Still, he is very social and greets everybody merrily. I meet with him every two weeks, but he often says, “Hello, haven’t seen you for a year” or “Last time I saw you it was three years and a half ago.” A staff of his nursing home told me that he often stands by an elevator and waits for its doors to open. He might be remembering his old days when he was using an elevator of his own company building.

When Alzheimer’s progresses, new events become difficult to remember. However, depending on the type of events or emotions, patents are able to remember-they are unpleasant events, complaints and grudges. There was an old gentleman who one day said, “I couldn’t walk after being run over by a dining cart.” And after this day, he continued to complain to me about the incident again and again, although he did not remember about other things much. It is known that people tend to keep “unpleasant” memories more solidly, because unpleasant incidents fluctuate emotions, which then activates a part of the brain called amygdala, which in turn stimulates adjacent hippocampus and engraving the incident in memory.

How about younger people like us who are working in the society? We focus on what we are doing while we are working on a task, without thinking about unrelated things. And we definitely need good memories about our jobs to complete a task. If we forget what we did one hour ago or one week ago, for example, that makes us very hard to continue our jobs. Also, we cannot enjoy reading books or watching dramas if we forget about characters and their relationships. How about old memories? We can recall people or events of old days, if necessary, when we talk about them with someone, or look at photos or listen to music from the past. I feel as if we have our drawers of old memories in our mind, and each memory is neatly stored in these drawers. When necessary, we can recall associated memories by opening the right drawer.

However, when people get very old and dementia progresses, the orientation of time is obstructed and it becomes difficult to have a sense of time. Because new memories do not stay, they recall memories of old days, especially those with strong emotions, again and again. It’s as if they are living in the world of old memories. If I happen to live for a very long time and suffer from time disorientation, I hope that I will be indulging my favorite and pleasant memories.

(2019/05/06 14:03:14)


